Eat your fruits & vegetables! Just pretend ones

How to encourage your little ones to eat their fruits and vegetables?

While I still don't have a good answer to this question - after 7 years of parenting - it has been shown that pretend play helps your child to develop their language skills which is beneficial for their social and emotional development.

At petit MushyP, we have a large selection of crocheted fruits and vegetables (and cakes as well but with a fruit on top!) for them to play with. I am not sure whether these soft toys will encourage your child to eat more fruits and vegetables but, after all, they are still good for them, at least in a developmental point of view!

Crocheted peach £10 – crocheted apple £14 – crocheted tomato £8.50 – crocheted strawberry £7 

Crocheted radish £6 each – Crocheted cupcake £12.50 on sale for £6.25 – Cake roll £12.50 on sale for £6.25

Crocheted parsnip £10 each 

Crocheted onion £8 each 
